Chelsea, Amelia Peabody is a fictional character from a book sereis; she is an Victorian era (1890s pictured)...


"Amelia Peabody is a fictional character from a book sereis; she is an Victorian era (1890s pictured) Egyptologist. The outfit is based on the turn of the century bicycle costume. Shirt, pants, and parasol are IL019 linen."


Rakhelalt9 years ago

So much fun! The upper sleeve is particularly lovely. Does the parasol function? And do you know if this was a favored color of the 1890s? Just curious. You did a lovely job!

Chelseaalt9 years ago

The parasol does function! I know they loved teal, and in the books the character talks about wearing only "happy colors" so I thought it would be good. Thanks!

Athenaalt9 years ago

Well done, Peabody! You look ready to let Emerson accompany you into a nice stuffy tomb .. ;)

Jessicaalt3 years ago

I love Amelia Peabody! While I never imagined her wearing that color in the desert, I now cannot imagine her without it! The matching parasol is perfect & people would never expect the prodding from such a lovely weapon. Emerson would approve, I'm