Debra, Tea towel made from fabrics-store yarn dyed linen. Love the anti-bacterial nature of linen, especial...


"Tea towel made from fabrics-store yarn dyed linen. Love the anti-bacterial nature of linen, especially in the kitchen."


Trudiealt8 years ago

These are very nice looking, you've inspired me to move beyond solid colors! (new to the LINEN Bandwagon) Mom taught us to bleach sheets, towels, undies, kitchen stuff; but most of those were white, back then. I love Linen's don't-bleach aesthetic!

Trudiealt8 years ago

Debra, I'm wondering how to find your ETSY Shop?

Debraalt8 years ago

Thank you for asking! We have our linens on Etsy and Amazon Find our Etsy shop at: ... For items on Amazon, search for "Healthy Happy Living Linens"