Rachel, This is a bra based on a 15th century Austrian undergarment found in Lengberg Castle.  Yes, there...


"This is a "bra" based on a 15th century Austrian undergarment found in Lengberg Castle. Yes, there were supportive undergarments in the 15th century! The main body of the bra is IL019 in Bleached softened, and the cups are IL020 in Bleached softened. "


Leannalt9 years ago

Awesome bra....

Bettyalt9 years ago

I like it!

Patriciaalt9 years ago

I want one!

Elizabethalt8 years ago

This is the first time ever I have seen a undergarment based on a 15th century design, made not only for comfort and modesty but also for contour. Fantastic discovery! Did you find a pattern or did you sketch it out and do a muslin?