Jana, I am 23 and learned to sew only a few months ago.   My latest project was making a linen slipcover f...


"I am 23 and learned to sew only a few months ago. My latest project was making a linen slipcover for a leftover piece of styrofoam that would have been thrown away! Now it is a beautiful bolster, accompanied by a linen lavender sachet for sweet dreams."

3 Votes

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Debraalt10 years ago

Really pretty! Congrats on learning to sew and doing it so well!!!

alt10 years ago

I really like that you repurposed the styrofoam - such a unique effort that paid off. Sewing is fun - and you are off to a terrific start.

Teresaalt10 years ago

Nice work!

Joannalt9 years ago

Nice job for a beginner! Keep up the good work!